Friday 1 April 2011

Him - Entry 6

I'd do anything for him.


Him - Entry 5

His mouth is slightly open, and a small slither of a snore creeps out and fades again as if it changed it's mind.

The light is on next to him and it highlights the shining silk of hair on his legs.

His breath his heavy, loud. He's dreaming.

You can just see the faint squint and knit of the eyebrows as whatever's happening in his head plays out.

Today I'm not sure how things will play out.

It's raining outside and the memories of last night patter slowly into my head as if they too were falling gracefully from the sky.

I can't say today will be a good day and I won't say it will be bad.

The only thing I'm sure of is that it will begin and end the same.

With my complete love and adoration for him.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Him - Entry 4

I can only see his back.

The slit of sun through the slightly drawn curtain makes it glow subtly. The soft contours of his back muscle enhanced by the small shade that lingers below them. The light breeze making them dance like waves as it caresses the curtain.

He is asleep. Tired from a mixture of a bad night's sleep and me forcing him to wake up for a lecture.

It's 11.51. But I'll leave him to sleep longer. He looks so peaceful.

I'm sat on the floor typing away and gazing up at him amongst the empty cola bottles and pizza boxes we call the room we stay in.
The sunshine is just highlighting the mess - a constant reminder that we need to tidy, we'll get round to it.

But today, I  want to spend some time in the sunshine.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Him - Entry 3

I wonder if you looked at him would you see what I see?

I got told we’re like magnets – inseperable. I’m happy with that. We are young. We are definitely foolish. And it’s perfect.

He still hasn’t had that haircut I mentioned though – he said something about not having it done here. That they might make a mistake – “they’re not Becky!” It makes me chuckle, he won’t like it wherever he gets it done!

I’ve just thought I wonder if he minds me telling you all this – not that he has much choice now, but who knows.

He’s playing some game at the moment and then Im going to make us chilli I think.
You should hear the stupid music!

But then it does drown out the constant sound of the news about Libya I’ve listened to for the 5th time and the cold weather outlook – it’s all just depressing after a while.

The silly arcade game style music is cheery – and his face is a beautiful picture of concentration and amusement. Adorable.

I wonder if you looked at him would you see what I see?

Him - Entry 2

It’s like a scene from an art nouveau movie.

The white cotton of the duvet is just covering the lower half of his chest and pelvis, wrapped round in a perfectly accidental cover of his modesty, his body a simple, beautiful work of art.

It’s 12.30 in the afternoon but of course the curtains are closed – it’s our day off, still far too early to let the world in just yet.

The light from his laptop is perfectly highlighting his features in a soft white glow.

He’s distracted. He doesn’t realise I’m gazing at him the way I am. Thankfully.

I always feel silly the way I admire him. But how could I not.

I keep wondering how the day will turn out. Do I go out? Stay in?

But I know as well as you do that I don’t care.

I could stay this way all day.

Him - Entry 1

He’s sitting there, only a metre away from me, giving me the look he does when he’s doing something I shouldn’t know about.

It’ll only be something silly to you, like making a picture of me on my ipod (don’t ask), but that will make my day.

He hasn’t had a haircut in a while – it’s got to the point where he’s the one saying it needs cutting! – so his hair falls over his concentration face in a beautiful wave of brown locks, blocking my view.

But I know him so well now that I don’t need to see his face – I know what face he’s pulling without looking, down to the smallest muscle twitch.

He infuriates me. But he makes me the happiest I’ve ever been.

And together we are allowed  to be 5 again – but we can be adults when needs be.
He is my best friend.
He is everything.